Wednesday, May 6, 2009

As I begin my happiness project, I read Gretchen Rubin's blog about "act how you want to feel", and I began to think about my daughter, Lily. Each morning when she wakes up, I go to check her in her crib and she greets me with a huge smile. And it doesnt matter how tired and cranky I am, I always greet her with a big smile back and an even bigger "good morning! Are we ready to go to to school??!!Did you have good dreams??!!" And our morning begins. Somehow, I am no longer cranky (ok, maybe a bit tired), but my state of mind from a few minutes earlier-wanting to push the snooze button- not wanting to get up and start our daily routine-the same routine every single day-has changed. And so I ask myself, how can I harness that feeling-greeting each day with a refreshed, excited, happy-self every morning? (And if I do that, what affect will it have on others that I interact with all day? Will my interactions be better? happier?) Lily is greeting each day with the attitude that I envy. And in turn, she is changing me. This has become my first resolution for myself. It seems so simple. Smile, each and every morning.

And so, today, I begin my project.


  1. Hello.

    Just wanted to reach out and say hi. Love your blog and passion for Happiness Projects!

    I'm helping Gretchen Rubin get local Happiness Project Groups started around the world and thought I'd reach out to see if that's something you'd like to do.

    We have a Facebook page for leaders of Happiness Project Groups around the world, so if you'd like to connect with them and get some ideas, feel free to join us!



  2. Greetings!

    Something tells me the joys and burdens of motherhood have overtaken your ability to keep your happiness blog as active as you'd like.


    If you're still interested in the happiness subject, which my guess is you are!, I'm here to invite you to a free download I think you will find worth it!

    Please visit

    And please let me know what you think!


    Rudy Wietfeldt
